Monday, February 1, 2016

Texas Winter 2016

Seems like every year about this time I post about (rant about actually) winter in Texas.  Don't get me wrong - I'm really thankful to not deal with constant freezing temps and several feet of snow, but many parts of this great state deal with heavy fog, dew that soaks through everything and mud -- lots and lots of slippery mud. Enjoy a few scenes from my very wet, muddy backyard this week (besides don't pictures of happy dogs always make things better?).

The black lab never minds the winter - she has energy to burn. She looks kind of fierce in this image - running at almost full speed - no paws on the ground.

The dog running paths are now mud paths -- those cute little feet always bringing the outdoors inside - mud, dirt, wet... life with pets.

A bright spot (literally) among all the winter browns and grays -- the first wildflower/weed -- spring will come (as it always does), just not soon enough. 

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