Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wordless Wednesday 7-18-12

Another image from the zoo - Andean (spectacled) bear relaxing in the pond.  It was a very warm day.  Wonder if he/she is trying to make the people go away by closing his/her eyes or just enjoying the cool water? They have such interesting dog looking faces, and the pair have been at the zoo for over 25 years.

Linking up with Wordless Wednesday.  Click here to find more wordless images and links to other wordless wednesday posts.


  1. D'awwwww He is so cute!!! Great pic and thanks for the smile :)

    1. He was definitely one of the more cuddly looking mammals at the zoo!
      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. How adorable. Very sweet picture. It has been terribly hot here in Georgia for the last several weeks. I sure wish we had a pond or swimming pool in our backyard where we could cool off like this!

    1. We've had some hot days as well, but the humidity has been very high - I think in some places - this percentage of humidity would be considered rain (seriously 93%-97% humidity - but not raining). Thanks for stopping by - hope you'll check back.

  3. Beautiful little bear. Much more feminine looking than the bears around here.

    1. Definitely an unusual looking guy - some regions of our state are just seeing the return of bears (small black bears) - honestly I prefer to see them like this - or very far away - no need for an up close experience. Thanks for checking out my blog - hope you'll visit again.

  4. How pretty. I bet he's loving the dip in the water.

    1. I have a few other images of him panting - I'm glad they at least had this small water feature in his habitat - I know we were hot that day & we weren't wearing fur coats!!
      Thanks for visiting my blog - hope you'll visit again.

  5. It looks very relaxed - and cool!

    1. Yes - hard to be stressed when you are chillaxin in a pool - he was panting too - I sometimes feel bad for the zoo animals trying to cope with our heat & humidity - but I do know the zookeepers do everything they can to keep them comfortable.

  6. Replies
    1. On another visit this bear & mate were sacked out in the shade -- totally deep asleep - what else is there to do in the heat of the day?
      Thanks for visiting my blog - hope you'll visit again.

  7. I love images of animals. This bear looks very zen! Thanks for visiting me over at Surfside Serenity.


    1. Appreciate the visit to my blog as well. He does kind of look like he is meditating - guess anything to get his mind off the heat. It is interesting to watch their facial expressions & their interactions with others in their habitats.

  8. This is such a cute picture. If you were there recently, you probably wanted to climb right in too!

    1. It is definitely hot - but the zoo does a good job of keeping cooling stations/misters around & the landscaping is very lush - lots of shade for the visitors. The Houston Zoo has come a long way towards improving the habitats since the early days. Thanks for visiting my blog - hope you'll stop by again.

  9. A fun photo for sure. So cute seeing him sit in the water - staying cool! :)

    1. Yeah - can't imagine wearing a fur coat in our heat/humidity - glad he had the water to cool down in.
      Have a good week!

  10. Hi Sherry! Thank you for stopping by my blog, Betty the Bichon. This picture is really amazing, the bear looks so relaxed like she is taking a bubble bath!

    1. You're welcome! Appreciate the visit to my blog as well. Yeah, anything to ease the effects of the heat & humidity - wonder what the bear was thinking?
      Hope you'll stop by again!
