Monday, July 23, 2012

Weekend Rewind 7-23-12

To not have accomplished much over the last weekend & week we sure were busy, and this week is already looking to be as busy - what happened to the lazy days of summer?  Guess all those well-child doctor visits, dentist appointments, etc... keep us hopping, along with a few fun things we squeeze in.

We started off the weekend with cub camp family day/evening - wrapping up a week of fun (& exhaustion) for the boys.  I think there are a lot of cub camps going on this time of year all around the country.  This was a puppet show put on by Webelows II den - working towards their showman requirements.

We managed to squeeze in a movie - I know this has been out for a little bit, but we rarely get to the theater the first weekend.  We all enjoyed this cute movie.  Yes, I stole this image from

Of course we can't forget about our time at the barn.. riding (her, not me).  I sat in the middle of the arena, collecting dust & flies while taking a few pictures.  She has been saving up for one of those phone cases/protectors that you can put your own picture on - she (of course) wants this horse's head/face on it, so I've been trying to get a really good image for her.  She would be happy with any of the photos I have, but she'll be showing it off - everyone will know I took the picture (just want it to be a good/decent one).

I usually try to participate in Jan's Focus 52 weekly prompts (over at two scoopz), but this week's prompt of Street Photography was nearly impossible for me.  I live in a small town, not really historically significant and not many cute shops around a central town area, so not many people walking around in any "downtown" area.  The image above is just about the only type of "street" I saw last week - dropping off at cub camp (not in town), dropping off at barn, etc... guess the horses grazing would be about the closest I got to seeing interesting "characters" along a street. 

Here's one I suggested..ha ha... tongue hanging out -- actually he was licking & chewing - which to equestrians means showing respect to the rider (a good thing - especially when you are sitting on a 1,500 lb thoroughbred). 

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer, but with a little cooler temperatures than we have had (or least less humidity).  Is anyone else having a problem keeping up with the photo prompts they started the first of the year?  Fun or commitments getting in the way?  I've been making an effort to take my camera everywhere, but that hasn't helped.

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