Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Focus 52 (2012) Week 12 - Minimal

Although the image qualities weren't exactly what I wanted - I think it is a representation of this week's prompt --  minimal. 

Cormorant on piling

This was taken near Galveston Bay.  Obviously a very windy day with large crashing whitecaps.  Our area was expecting a front that was bringing severe thunderstorms along for the ride (a few tornado/funnel clouds as well).  The pilings may be casualties from a hurricane - a  destroyed pier not yet rebuilt. 

Sometimes it is calming to look at images without a lot of clutter.  Joining in Two Scoopz Focus 52 - click here to see other images that represent minimal.

I messed around with the RAW file, making a few adjustments (even worked a little fusing/HDR - but I didn't like the result) and eventually settled on making it black & white (keeping the few RAW adjustments).  105mm macro lens (what I had with me at the time)